Bourne | Ash |  #!  | find | ARG_MAX | Shells | whatshell | portability | permissions | UUOC | ancient | - | ../Various | HOME
"$@" | echo/printf | set -e | test | tty defs | tty chars | $() vs ) | IFS | using siginfo | nanosleep | line charset | locale

Manual for the login command on Dynix 3.2.0

original login.1 massaged, nroffed and htmlized.

       login [ -p ] [ username ]
       login [ -p ] [ -h hostname ] [ -f ] [ username ]

       The  login command is used when a user initially signs on, or it may be
       used at any time to change from one user to another.  The  latter  case
       is  the  one  summarized  above  and  described  here.  See "How to Get
       Started" for how to dial up initially.

       If login is invoked without an argument, it asks for a user name,  and,
       if appropriate, a password.  Echoing is turned off (if possible) during
       the typing of the password, so it will not appear on the written record
       of the session.

       After  a successful login, accounting files are updated and the user is
       informed of the existence of mail,  and  the  message  of  the  day  is
       printed, as is the time he last logged in (unless he has a ".hushlogin"
       file in his home directory - this is mostly used to  make  life  easier
       for non-human users, such as uucp).

       Login  initializes  the  user  and group IDs and the working directory,
       then executes a command interpreter (usually sh(1)) according to speci-
       fications  found  in a password file.  Argument 0 of the command inter-
       preter is "-sh", or more generally the name of the command  interpreter
       with a leading dash ("-") prepended.

       Login  also modifies the environment environ(7) with information speci-
       fying home directory ($HOME), command  interpreter  ($SHELL),  terminal
       type  (if  available-$TERM),  user  name ($USER, $LOGNAME), search path
       ($PATH), mail file ($MAIL),  timezone  ($TZ),  and  per  universe  path
       ($UCBPATH, $ATTPATH) and shell ($UCBSHELL, $ATTSHELL) information.  The
       `-p' argument causes the remainder of the environment to be  preserved,
       otherwise any previous environment is discarded.

       Login sets the universe (see universe(1)) to "ucb" by default; this can
       be changed to "att" by having the string  "universe(att)"  appear  any-
       where  in  the  "GCOS" field (field 5) of the /etc/passwd entry for the
       user (see passwd(5)).

       If the file /etc/nologin exists,  login  prints  its  contents  on  the
       user's  terminal  and  exits. This is used by shutdown(8) to stop users
       logging in when the system is about to go down.  Attempts to log in  as
       "root" on terminals that are not listed in the file /etc/securetty will
       fail.  If /etc/securetty does not exist, ``root'' may  log  in  on  any

       Login  is recognized by sh(1) and csh(1) and executed directly (without

       There are several additional options to login for use at initial login.
       With  one exception, these options are available only to the superuser.
       /etc/passwd        password file
       /etc/nologin       stops logins
       .hushlogin         makes login quieter
       /etc/securetty     lists ttys that root may log in on

       init(8), getty(8),  mail(1),  passwd(1),  passwd(5),  environ(7),
       universe(1), shutdown(8)

       "Login incorrect," if the name or the password is bad.
       "No  Shell",  "cannot open password file", "no directory": consult your
       system administrator.

       An undocumented  option,  -r  is  used  by  the  remote  login  server,
       rlogind(8C)  to  force login to enter into an initial connection proto-

4BSD/DYNIX                                                            LOGIN(1)