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Manual for the csymlink system call on Dynix 3.2.0

original csymlink.2 massaged, nroffed and htmlized.

       csymlink(ucb_target, att_target, linkname)
       char *ucb_target, *att_target, *linkname;

       A  conditional  symbolic  link  linkname  is  created to ucb_target and
       att_target.  (Linkname is the name of  the  file  created;  the  target
       strings  are used to create the conditional symbolic link.)  Any of the
       names may be an arbitrary path name; the files need not be on the  same
       file system.

       When  a  conditional symbolic link is encountered during pathname pars-
       ing, the link is treated as an ordinary symbolic  link.   However,  the
       value  of the link depends on the process's selected universe (U_UCB or
       U_ATT).  If the universe is U_UCB, the value of the  symbolic  link  is
       ucb_target.   If  the universe is U_ATT, the value of the symbolic link
       is att_target.

       Upon successful completion, a zero value  is  returned.   If  an  error
       occurs, the error code is stored in errno and a -1 value is returned.

       The conditional symbolic link is made unless one or more of the follow-
       ing are true:

       [EPERM]        Any of the arguments contain a character with the  high-
                      order bit set.

       [ENOENT]       One of the pathnames specified was too long.

       [ENOTDIR]      A component of the linkname prefix is not a directory.

       [EEXIST]       Linkname already exists.

       [EACCES]       A  component  of  the linkname path prefix denies search

       [EROFS]        The file linkname would reside on a read-only file  sys-

       [EFAULT]       Any  of the parameters point outside the process's allo-
                      cated address space.

       [ELOOP]        Too may symbolic links were encountered  in  translating
                      the pathname.

       [ENOSPC]       The  directory  in  which the entry for the new symbolic
                      link is being placed cannot be extended because there is
                      no  space  left on the file system containing the direc-

       ln(1), universe(1),
       readclink(2), readlink(2), symlink(2), universe(2), unlink(2)

DYNIX                                                              CSYMLINK(2)