Bourne | Ash |  #!  | find | ARG_MAX | Shells | whatshell | portability | permissions | UUOC | ancient | - | ../Various | HOME
"$@" | echo/printf | set -e | test | tty defs | tty chars | $() vs ) | IFS | using siginfo | nanosleep | line charset | locale

The following was released under the licenses of BSD and Caldera.

Here are extracts from the 3BSD (03/'80) variant of the Bourne shell, usr/src/cmd/sh/service.c.

See also the corresponding code in csh in 2BSD (05/'79).

LOCAL STRING	execs(ap,t)
	STRING		ap;
	execve(p, &t[0] ,xecenv);
	SWITCH errno IN
	    case ENOEXEC:

		/* band aid to get csh... 2/26/79 */
			char c;
			if (!isatty(input)) {
				read(input, &c, 1);
				if (c == '#')
					gocsh(t, xecenv);
				lseek(input, (long) 0, 0);

gocsh(t, xecenv)
	register char **t, **xecenv;
	char **newt[1000];
	register char **p;
	register int i;

	for (i = 0; t[i]; i++)
		newt[i+1] = t[i];
	newt[i+1] = 0;
	newt[0] = "/bin/csh";
	execve("/bin/csh", newt, xecenv);