
NOTE: this page is a bit outdated in some details, as i haven't upgraded patches every version (i began with 3.6.2).
E.g: meanwhile (4.1.0) Rakk's `collision patch' and `snooping' aka `allowViewing' are included in the distribution.
If you want that collision patch for older versions, contact me.

A "patched" server -- why?

- Snooping ? Just for fun!
- Collision patch? If you ever played with it under heavy player load, you know why..
- Extended "no-mines-nor-smarts" ? I hate mines and smarts...uhm, on other servers i certainly use them, before others do

The change is not complicated , as you just get the frames of the snooped player and a slightly different radar info.

Poor enough it won`t be included in 3.7.1 / 3.8.1 / 4.0.0 . Well, it doesn't work if you bounce inbetween two frames. But without patch it sometimes seems, as if detection doesn't work at all.

This patch improves in detecting a collision with shots.
E. g. if you fly so fast through a straight line of bullets, that your shipshape doesn't touch a shot in any frame - you wont hit the shot! :
The patch remembers your position in the recent frame and tries to detect the collision then by calculating the minimum distance bwtween ship and shot occuring inbetween those frames...
All that began with the subframe collision detection from Murx:
The ways of shot and ship were divided up in, say 16, little pieces and the distance was calculated at every step then. Accuracy goes with the number of steps then. And so the analytical turns out to be the faster one. There are some things to clear up for both yet:
Debris collision is much harder now, or what about detection while bouncing off a wall?..

According to Spiro's idea: "no-smarts-nor-mines" (3.6.2)
Spiro's change was in the keyboard-event-handling code... bots were still using those things, and you also had to beware of "N/A"s ... due to unfetched mines and missiles. you might even now see mines lying around anymore, but they are unclustered then...

every map is regulating and this is just one consequent step:
You could call this map "de-smarted",
.... if there were no smart cannons, hehe ...and players certainly.

additional changes:

That's the server, so far...

Yes, i do know, that these wussiemaps suck
Don't forget: Snooping is heavily interesting on team maps.....

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