
Please note that the following is heavily outdated, as i had no opportunity to play that lovely game since October '99

[ You don't know yet, what XPilot is ? ]

Rough translation from the german networking/unix magazine `iX':

`XPilot: This 2D flying game for several participants knows about such unpleasant things like gravitation, phsical laws, that determine whereto the parts of a destructed ship fly, and so on. XPilot thereby offers several options you usually abandon as ordinary charterpassenger.'

I call it
``UDP based net-testing-tool with graphical realtime frontend top of XLib''

It's about

And here are some

The current version is 4.1.0.
The next version will be out soon (Jan/Feb '00)

When do you know...
that you're hopelessly addict to xpilot?

who is this damned wussie Svenske..?


