NAME                                                        FD(I)
     fd2 - redirect file descriptor 2 (diagnostic output)

     fd2 [ fd2arg ] command [ command-arg ] ...

     Fd2 executes command with file descriptor 2 (the  diagnostic
     output)  redirected  to  a	 file  or to the standard output.
     There are three forms:

     fd2 -file comd ...	 [write	on file	]

     fd2 --file comd ... [append to file ]

     fd2 + comd ... [causes file descriptor 2 to be made the same
     as file descriptor 1]

     In	either of the first two	cases, omission	of file	causes
     msg.out to	be used	as the output file.  Omission of fd2arg
     has the effect of -msg.out.