Bourne | Ash |  #!  | find | ARG_MAX | Shells | whatshell | portability | permissions | UUOC | ancient | - | ../Various | HOME
"$@" | echo/printf | set -e | test | tty defs | tty chars | $() vs ) | IFS | using siginfo | nanosleep | line charset | locale

Example session on an Ultrix-11 v2.16
User input in bold face.

$ pdp11 run.conf

PDP-11 simulator V3.7-3
Disabling XQ

Sizing Memory...

Boot: rl(0,0)unix    (CTRL/C will abort auto-boot)

rl(0,0)unix: 15680+18258+8192+8192+8192+8128+8192+3904

ULTRIX-11 Kernel V2.0

realmem = 262144
buffers = 20480
usermem = 161152
erase = delete, kill = ^U, intr = ^C
# ^D

Restricted rights:

        Use, duplication, or disclosure is subject
        to restrictions stated in your contract with
        Digital Equipment Corporation.

*UNIX is a trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories.

Sat Jan  7 18:48:00 EST 1984

ERROR LOG has - 1 of 40 blocks used

ULTRIX-11 System V2.0 (ultrix11-v2)

login: root

Welcome to the ULTRIX-11 System

erase = delete, kill = ^U, intr = ^C
ultrix11-v2# ps x

     0 ?   1:39 swapper
     1 ?   0:00 /etc/init
     2 ?   0:00 /etc/elc
    38 co  0:00 -sh
    28 ?   0:00 /etc/update
    48 co  0:00 ps x
ultrix11-v2# cat /etc/fstab
ultrix11-v2# mount
rl01 on /usr
ultrix11-v2# uname
uname: not found
ultrix11-v2# ls /bin
.profile        csh             iostat          prof            t300
[               cu_v7           join            ps              t300s
ac              cu_v7m          kill            pstat           t450
adb             custat_v7m      ld              ptx             tabs
ar              date            ln              pwd             tail
arcv            dc              login           quot            tar
as              dcheck          logins          random.v7_NS    tc
at              dd              look            ranlib          ted
badstat         deroff          lorder          rasize          tee
bas             df              ls              red             tek
basename        diff            mail            restor          test
bufstat         diff3           make            rev             time
cal             du              man             rm              tk
calendar        dump            memstat         rmail           touch
cat             dumpdir         mesg            rmdir           tp
cb              echo            mkdir           sa              tr
cc              ed              mv              sed             true
ccd             egrep           ncheck          sh              tsort
cda             elp             newgrp          size            tty
chgrp           expr            nice            sleep           uniq
chmod           factor          nm              sort            units
chog            false           nohup           sp.v7_NS        vplot
chown           fgrep           nologins        spline          wc
clri            file            od              split           who
cmp             find            passwd          strip           write
col             fsck            plot            stty            yes
comm            grep            pr              su
cp              hostname        prep            sum
cpio            icheck          primes          sync
ultrix11-v2# ls /usr/bin
admin           eqn             more            sact            uupoll
awk             ex              neqn            sccs            uustat
bc              f77             nroff           sccsdiff        uux
bdiff           get             paste           spell           val
cdc             graph           pcc             struct          vc
checkeq         help            print           tbl             vi
chroot          learn           printenv        tip             view
comb            lex             prs             troff           what
cu              lint            prt             ul              yacc
cut             lookbib         ratfor          unget           zaptty
delta           lpq             refer           usat
e               lpr             rmchg           uucp
ed_v7           lprm            rmdel           uulog
edit            m4              roff            uuname
ultrix11-v2# ls /usr/ucb
Mail    chsh    finger  m11     mkstr   reset   tset    which
RESET   ctags   from    macxrf  more    script  u       whoami
chfn    f       l11     mail    renice  strings users   xstr
ultrix11-v2# ls /etc
accton          fstab.rd51      fstab.rp04-5    lpdrestart      termcap
cron            fstab.rd52      fstab.rp04-5_2  lpset           tss
csf             fstab.rk06      fstab.rp06      mkfs            ttys
dcopy           fstab.rk07      fstab.rp06_2    mknod           ttytype
ddate           fstab.rl01      fstab.uda50     motd            umount
dmesg           fstab.rl02      getty           mount           update
elc             fstab.rm02-3    gettytab        mtab            utmp
eli             fstab.rm02-3_2  group           passwd          volcopy
fpsim           fstab.rm05      init            printcap        wall
fsdb            fstab.rm05_2    ipatch          rc
fstab           fstab.rp02      labelit         remote
fstab.rc25      fstab.rp03      log             rx2fmt
ultrix11-v2# memstat

Total Memory = 256 Kbytes       Sat Jan  7 18:57:07 EST 1984

  Addr    Command          Pid    Size   Ublock     Text     Data      Stack
    0     ULTRIX-11              79488
00233200  swapper             0   1024  00233200
00235200  *BUFFERS*              20480
00305200  *TEXT SEGMENT*           640
    |     update
00306400  *FREE MEMORY*           1472
00311300  init                1   3968  00311300 *00321100* 00313300  00316400
    v                                      1024      3456      1600      1344
00321100  *TEXT SEGMENT*          3456
    |     init
00327700  sh                 38   6400  00327700 *00375000* 00331700  00341500
    v                                      1024     16128      3968      1408
00344300  *FREE MEMORY*           1536
00347300  elc                 2   8576  00347300  00351300  ------->  00365400
    v                                      1024      6208                1344
00370100  update             28   2496  00370100 *00305200* 00372100  00372300
    v                                      1024       640       128      1344
00375000  *TEXT SEGMENT*         16128
    |     sh
00434400  *FREE MEMORY*           6400
00451000  *TEXT SEGMENT*          5760
    |     cron
00464200  lpd                39   8768  00464200 *00565600* 00466200  00477500
    v                                      1024     14976      4800      2944
00505300  *FREE MEMORY*           1664
00510500  cron               32   5120  00510500 *00451000* 00512500  00520000
    v                                      1024      5760      2752      1344
00522500  *FREE MEMORY*          17984
00565600  *TEXT SEGMENT*         14976
    |     lpd
00623000  *FREE MEMORY*          22208
00676300  memstat           108  23488  00676300  00700300  ------->  00747000
    v                                      1024     19776                2688
00754200  *FREE MEMORY*          10112
ultrix11-v2# iostat 1

   rl0               rl1              PERCENT
   tpm  msps  mspt   tpm  msps  mspt  user  nice systm  idle
   355  13.8   2.9     0   0.0   0.0  0.00  0.00  0.02 99.98
     0   0.0   0.0     0   0.0   0.0  0.00  0.00  0.00100.00
     0   0.0   0.0     0   0.0   0.0  0.00  0.00  0.00100.00
     0   0.0   0.0     0   0.0   0.0  0.00  0.00  0.00100.00
     0   0.0   0.0     0   0.0   0.0  0.00  0.00  0.00100.00
ultrix11-v2# opser

ULTRIX-11 Operator Services

To correct typing mistakes:

         erases the last character,
         erases the entire line.

For help, type h then press 

opr> s

ULTRIX-11 Shutdown
The following users are logged into the System

root     console Jan  7 19:00

How many minutes until shutdown [1-99] ? 0

Warning Phase


Kill Process Phase

        Killing User Processes
        Killing System Processes
        Disabling Error Logging

Dismounting Mounted File Systems

ULTRIX-11 System V2.0 (ultrix11-v2)

login: Dismounting /dev/rl01    from /usr

System Time-sharing Stopped


Sven Mascheck