Bourne | Ash |  #!  | find | ARG_MAX | Shells | portability | permissions | UUOC | ancient | - | ../Various | HOME
"$@" | echo/printf | set -e | test | tty defs | tty chars | $() vs ) | IFS | using siginfo | nanosleep | line charset | locale

Example session on an Ultrix v4.5
User input in bold face.

$ vax run.conf

VAX simulator V3.8-1
NVR: buffering file in memory
Listening on port 8888 (socket 8)
Loading boot code from ka655x.bin

KA655-B V5.3, VMB 2.7
Performing normal system tests.
Tests completed.
Loading system software.


Ultrixboot - V4.5  Sun Sep 17 13:03:13 EDT 1995

Loading (a)vmunix ...

text = 680948
data = 119296
bss  = 635428
Starting at 0x2c19

ULTRIX V4.5 (Rev. 47) System #1: Sun Oct 27 01:55:35 EST 1991
real mem  = 67043328
avail mem = 56812544
using 1636 buffers containing 6704128 bytes of memory
KA655 processor with an FPU
        CPU microcode rev = 6, processor firmware rev = 83
Q22 bus
uda0 at uba0
uq0 at uda0 csr 172150 vec 774, ipl 15
klesiu0 at uba0
uq16 at klesiu0 csr 174500 vec 770, ipl 15
hl0 at uba0 csr 174400 vec 160, ipl 15
zs0 at uba0 csr 172520 vec 224, ipl 15
ts0 at zs0 slave 0
qe0 at uba0 csr 174440 vec 764, ipl 15
qe0: DEC DELQA Ethernet Interface DEQNA-lock Mode, hardware address 08:00:2b:aa:bb:cc
lp0 at uba0 csr 177514 vec 200, ipl 14
dz0 at uba0 csr 160100 vec 300, ipl 15
dz1 at uba0 csr 160110 vec 310, ipl 15
ra1 at uq0 slave 1 (RA60)
ra2 at uq0 slave 2 (RRD40)
ra0 at uq0 slave 0 (RA60)
tms1 at uq16 slave 1 (TK50)
tms2 at uq16 slave 2 (TK50)
tms3 at uq16 slave 3 (TK50)
tms0 at uq16 slave 0 (TK50)
Sun Oct 27 21:45:23 WET 1991
Automatic reboot in progress...
/dev/ra0a: 587 files, 5694 used, 9633 free (153 frags, 1185 blocks, 1.0% fragmentation)
/dev/rra0g: umounted cleanly
check quotas: done.
savecore: checking for dump...dump does not exist
local daemons: syslog sendmail.
Removing remnant Opser files
preserving editor files
clearing /tmp
standard daemons: update cron accounting         Sun Oct 27 21:45:28 WET 1991

 network snmpd.
start errlog daemon - elcsd
Sun Oct 27 21:45:29 WET 1991

ULTRIX V4.5 (Rev. 47) (ultrix45)

login: root
Last login: Sun Oct 27 02:01:17 on console
ULTRIX V4.5 (Rev. 47) System #1: Sun Oct 27 01:55:35 EST 1991

                Digital Equipment Corporation
                Nashua, New Hampshire


The following files were created during the installation procedure:

/vmunix                         - customized kernel
/genvmunix                      - generic kernel
/usr/adm/install.log            - installation log file
/usr/adm/install.FS.log         - file systems log file
/usr/adm/install.DEV.log        - special device log file

# uname -a
ULTRIX ultrix45 4.5 0 VAX
# ps aux
root         0  0.1  0.0    0    0 ?  D      0:15  swapper
root       103  0.0  0.3  226  165 co S      0:00 -csh (csh)
root        91  0.0  0.6  409  315 ?  I      0:00 /etc/snmpd
root        86  0.0  0.2  134   87 ?  I      0:00 /etc/inetd
root        72  0.0  0.0    6    4 ?  S      0:00 /etc/update
root         1  0.0  0.4  254  234 ?  I      0:00 init
root       100  0.0  0.2  181  104 ?  I      0:00 /etc/elcsd
root        63  0.0  0.7  461  402 ?  I      0:00 -accepting connections (sendm
daemon      68  0.0  0.2  126   85 ?  I      0:00 /etc/syslog
root        75  0.0  0.1   40   23 ?  I      0:00 /etc/cron
root         2  0.0  0.1 4096    0 ?  D      0:00  pagedaemon
root       106  0.0  0.4  350  226 co R      0:00 ps aux
# stty -a
line = NTTYDISC; speed 9600 baud
erase = DEL; kill = ^u; min = 1; time = 0; intr = ^c; quit = ^|; eof = ^d;
eol ; start = ^q; stop = ^s;
parenb -parodd cs7 -cstopb hupcl cread clocal -loblk
-ignbrk brkint -ignpar -parmrk -inpck istrip -inlcr -igncr icrnl -iuclc
ixon ixany -ixoff
isig icanon -xcase echo echoe -echok -echonl -noflsh
opost -olcuc onlcr -ocrnl -onocr -onlret -ofill -ofdel
# mount
/dev/ra0a on / type ufs
/dev/ra0g on /usr type ufs
# df
Filesystem   Total    kbytes   kbytes   %
node         kbytes   used     free     used  Mounted on
/dev/ra0a      15327    5695    8100    41%   /
/dev/ra0g      74703   37823   29410    56%   /usr
# cat /.profile
#       @(#).profile    9.1     ULTRIX  4/26/94
echo 'erase ^?, kill ^U, intr ^C'
stty dec crt new
umask 22
export PATH
# exec /bin/sh
# echo comments # not yet available
comments # not yet available
# f() { echo function; }
syntax error: `(' unexpected
# syntax error: `)' unexpected
# exec /bin/sh5
# echo comments # available
# f() { echo function; }
# f
# ls /bin
STTY            du              ln              od              shutdown
[               dump            login           pagesize        size
adb             dumpfs          logname         passwd          snapcopy
ar              e               ls              pr              strip
as              echo            ltf             ps              stty
awk             ed              machine         pwd             su
cat             expr            mail            radisk          sync
cc              false           make            rdump           tar
cdfs_mount      fsck            mdtar           reboot          tee
chgrp           fsirand         mkdir           red             test
chmod           grep            mkfs            restore         time
chpt            halt            mknod           rksh            true
clri            hostid          mmapalignment   rm              tunefs
cmp             hostname        mount           rmail           ufs_mount
cp              icheck          mt              rmdir           umount
csh             id              mv              rrestore        uname
date            ifconfig        nawk            rsh5            wall
dd              init            newfs           rzdisk          who
df              kill            nfs_mount       s5make          write
diff            ksh             nfs_umount      sed
dirname         ld              nice            sh
domainname      line            nm              sh5
# ls /usr/bin
ar              ctcr            ld              passwd          tbl
as              ctrace          lex             paste           tee
at              cut             line            pcat            tic
basename        cxref           lint            pfstat          time
batch           dc              lk              pg              touch
bc              df              login           plot            tr
cal             diff            logname         plottoa         trace
calendar        diff3           look            pr              tsort
candc           diffmk          lorder          prof            tty
capsar          dircmp          ltf             pxtar           uname
catpw           domainname      m4              ranlib          uniq
cb              du              mail            rev             unpack
cc              dumbplot        make            rksh            uudecode
cflow           egrep           mesg            rmail           uuencode
chfn            env             mhdecode        rmdir           vcc
chgrp           fgrep           mkfifo          rsh5            wall
chroot          file            mktemp          s5make          who
chsh            find            mmapalignment   sh5             write
cmp             getopt          nawk            size            xargs
col             graph           nice            sleep           yacc
comm            hostid          nl              sort            ypcat
cpio            id              nm              sort5           ypmatch
cpustat         install         nohup           spline          yppasswd
crash           iostat          nroff           split           ypwhich
crtplot         ipcrm           od              strip
csh             ipcs            om              su
csplit          join            pack            sum
ctc             ksh             pagesize        tabs
# ls /
.cshrc          .profile        genvmunix       pcs750.bin      var
.login          .rhosts         lib             sys             vmb.exe
.new...cshrc    bin             lost+found      tmp             vmunix
.new...login    dev             mnt             ultrixboot
.new...rhosts   etc             opr             usr
# ls /usr
adm             genvmunix       lost+found      spool           var
bin             hosts           man             src
dict            include         mdec            sys
etc             kits            preserve        tmp
field           lib             skel            ucb
# ls /etc
.new..aliases           fsirand                 rexecd
.new..aliases.dir       fstab                   rlogind
.new..aliases.pag       getty                   rmt
.new..crontab           gettytab                route
.new..disktab           group                   routed
.new..dumpdates         halt                    rpc
.new..elcsd.conf        hosts                   rpc.yppasswdd
.new..gettytab          hosts.equiv             rpcinfo             icheck                  rrestore
.new..hosts             ifconfig                rshd
.new..hosts.equiv       inetd                   rwhod
.new..inetd.conf        inetd.conf              rzdisk
.new..mail.aliases      init                    savecore
.new..motd              install_upgrade         securenets
.new..networks          kern_loop     
.new..ntp.conf          kern_unloop   
.new..protocols         lcp                     sendmail.fc
.new..rc                license                 sendmail.hf
.new..rc.local          lmf           
.new..rpc               lmfsetup                services
.new..securenets        lockpw                  setld       mail.aliases            setldlog
.new..sendmail.fc       miscd                   shells
.new..sendmail.hf       mkconsole               showmount       mkfs                    shutdown          mklost+found            sizer
.new..shells            mknod                   sliphosts
.new..sliphosts         mkpasswd                snapcopy
.new..snmpd.conf        motd                    snmpd
.new..svc.conf          mount                   snmpd.conf
.new..syslog.conf       mountd        
.new..termcap           ncheck                  startcpu
.new..ttys              netsetup                stl
addgroup                networks                stopcpu
adduser                 newfs                   svc.conf
aliases                 nfs_mount               swapon
aliases.dir             nfs_umount              syslog
aliases.pag             nfsd                    syslog.conf
arff                    nfssetup      
arp                     nfsstat                 talkd
biod                    ntp.conf                termcap
catman                  passwd                  trpt
cdfs_mount              ping                    ttys
chown                   portmap                 tunefs
chpt                    protocols               uerf
clri                    pstat                   uerf.bin
comsat                  quot                    uerf.err
config                  quotacheck              uerf.hlp
cron                    quotaoff                ufs_mount
crontab                 quotaon                 umount
dcheck                  radisk                  unlockpw
disktab                 rc                      update
doconfig                rc.local                utmp
dump                    rdate                   vipw
dumpdates               rdump                   yp
dumpfs                  ready                   ypbind
# dmesg
dmesg: not found

# shutdown -h now
Shutdown at 19:42 (in 0 minutes) [pid 98]

System shutdown time has arrived
# syncing disks... done

HALT instruction, PC: 800845D1 (BRB 800845D0)
sim> quit
NVR: writing buffer to file


Sven Mascheck